Details of what we do: and how it started.......
Jon's story........
When I was attending the Sportability clinic for thirteen weeks, one summer; I demonstrated the quad bike to many people with upper body strength who had a great time riding round the countryside. Remember, some of these people had not been able to experience this for many years, since being confined to a wheelchair....
Some, who had not got the upper body strength necessary to ride a quad bike, had to sit in their wheelchairs and watch; this convinced me of the necessity to provide a means to include them.
As I drove back from Gloucestershire after my course had finished, on a beautiful sunny day, looking up at the sweeping hills.......... Knowing that I could be up there gave me a sense of feeling alive again.
This was a change of perspective, which is the important thing, as I was, after all, still sitting in my car when I had this wonderful feeling......
At that moment, I felt that anything was possible, my life had begun again.
I hope that you can help me with this project, so that others can feel as I do.
The Vehicles We Use.......
The ARGO 6 x 6 Bigfoot is an amphibious All Terrain Vehicle. It is fitted with hand controls and automatic transmission as standard......two push/pull levers control steering and brakes, there is a twistgrip control for the throttle on the right lever, and a "dashboard" mounted lever for high, low and reverse gears.
The steering and throttle controls are very light, and can be used by those with very limited upper body strength or grip. Several visitors with no grip at all have successfully driven the Bigfoot.
The Yamaha Breeze is a Quad Bike, Jon is pictured on one on our main page. The Breeze has automatic transmission as standard, handlebars, (like a motorcycle), for steering, and a lever on the right handlebar for the throttle. This is, nominally, thumb-operated, but we have an adaptor, kindly designed and built by REMAP, which allows this to be used safely by those with limited, or even no, hand movement. There is a gear selector mounted on the right side of the engine, a little above the footplates, for selecting forward, reverse, and neutral gears.
The steering on the Breeze does require greater upper body strength than the ARGO Bigfoot, particularly over obstacles, but we are often pleasantly surprised at how our visitors find ways to safely control both types of vehicle. ( and if we're surprised...they're usually thrilled ! )
We have arranged insurance especially for Disabled All Terrain Vehicle users.This provides Public Liability cover, and is available through club membership.
We can provide you with sufficient training and experience to confidently complete the Disabled All Terrain Vehicle course.This is a one day course run by the Royal Agricultural College near Cirencester, although we hope that courses will be available at any suitable site,subject to numbers and availability of vehicles.
With a current Orange Badge, completion of the approved training course ,and public liability insurance, we can help you secure the right to use specific countryside locations in your own area.
The Yamaha quad bikes we use and recommend cause very lttle impact on the environment; with an overall vehicle and rider weight of around 200 Kg, spread over four low ground pressure tyres, it is actually much less than someone on foot!. Quad bikes are widely used in sensitive areas, including golf courses.
There are four stages involved:
1: A demonstration visit where basic instruction and safety information will enable you to try out the vehicles on our own site, including the six-wheel drive Argo Bigfoots.
2: Further instruction, and experience over several visits if necessary, to enable you to complete the Disabled All Terrain Vehicle training course with confidence.
3: Having completed the training course, insurance covering public liability up to £2 000 000 is available.
4: You can then use any of the sites we have access to, and we will help you approach land-owners or local authorities in your own area, to secure the use of other countryside routes near you.
We are a non-profit making organisation, currently applying for charitable status.
If you require more information,or wish to arrange a visit: please Email Us or telephone 01243 773375
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